Seven Reasons to Write a Review
Many of you have read There Are No Answers Here, Only Questions, and to each of you who did, I say, “Thank you.” Now, I have one more question for you: “Have you written a review?” For some, that answer is “Yes.” And again, “Thank you.” But for those who haven’t, here are seven reasons why you should.
Reason One. Ninety-five percent of us have made a purchase based on reviews, according to USA Today. Whether it’s on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, or other popular sites, a little virtual word of mouth can go a long way.
Reason Two. Reviews build credibility. More than the hype on the dust jacket, an honest review on how you fell in love with the book is like gold to an author.
Reason Three. People want to see reviews—the more, the better. Even if they don’t read them all, quantity matters. And once a book reaches one hundred reviews, the algorithms all change, and the book leaps up the list. So even if you only have a dozen words on hand, string them together and post a review.
Reason Four. Reviews need to be easy to read. So unless you’re a famous author noted for your vibrant and luminous vernacular, keep it simple––and the simpler, the better. That way, you’ll sound like a real person, not a machine.
Reason Five. Authors love stars, and again, more is better. Authors also love “Whys.” Tell what the story meant to you. How it made you feel and think. Perhaps it changed your mind or gave you hope. So, along with the stars, tell the reasons because reasons matter even more than stars.
Reason Six. An occasional “so-so” review is good. If every review is glowing, it looks like the author is from a large loving family or has bought the house several rounds on a Saturday night. It’s the absence of even one mediocre review that’s a red flag.
Reason Seven. Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” Someday, you’ll write a book, a poem, or a play. Or maybe you’ll open a business or begin a service. And I’ll be the first to write a review.
So there you have it — all seven reasons why reviews are crucial. Now it’s time for you to write one.